I left off writing at the 'Unsafe world' we live in in my previous post. History tells that when 'Vivekananda'; a prominent Indian philosopher , went to 'Chicago' to address a huge gathering, he, apparently, started with words like 'my brothers and sisters...', an expression, then, alien to 'Americans', which was followed by a huge round of applause. It was many years ago, but the repercussions of the applause is still heard to day, when lectures are given on India's 'incredible culture'. Our History books picture our country as a nation which posses amazing heritage and culture. Sometimes, it makes me sick to listening to the stereo types and I say to myself ' not exactly you see..'. Honestly, I don't undermine my culture and traditions but there are some hard questions one needs to face before we clap ceaselessly. Is this the nation which conceived the so called despicable 'Caste System'? Is this the nation which practiced customs like 'burring a widow alive (satisahagamana)'? Is this the nation which practiced 'child marriages'? Is this the nation which killed innocent Christians?
My mind blows up when I look at my country as a secular state. In certain states with in the country, endless killings take place on regular basis, just in the name of religion. Many poor, helpless, tribal Christians are being killed entirely for wrong reasons. What has 'secularism' offered to the victims? Nothing but promised more killings upon the failure to compromise and if one chooses to follow a religion of his choice. It is still a mystery for me when I think of a murderer, I say to myself 'how can a man kill another?'; when he too feels the pain; when he too has the same 'red' blood; when he too dies? How can the murderer bear the pain of 'guilt'? and that too when he does it multiple times. But the Bible condemn; not just killings; even a bad thought is just as bad as killing someone and it leaves no space for psychological nor emotional comfort unless one is forgiven by Christ.
Talking about the so called 'national integrity'; it is washed out and 'unity in diversity' is a myth. How on earth, can you expect one to love his country when his countrymen kill him and molest his sister? How can anyone expect to applause the great culture; when 'innocent lives' are being lost? How can you be ever loyal to your country? But, for the Christian, it is a different story altogether. He submits to his higher authority in spite of persecution, not because he likes that naturally but because the Lord tells. By being submissive to the Lord, he is submissive to the nation. Christians have always been the best citizens where ever they lived down through the centuries. Are you a good citizen?