“But he answered and said, it is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” Matt 4:4
This was a question answered by the Lord Jesus when he was tempted by Satan. When the Lord fasted for forty days and nights, he was hungry and that was when the enemy found him and tried to tempt him by asking him to turn the stones into bread. The issue is whether or not God could turn the stones into bread which He could easily do but the issue is whether Jesus should worship the enemy which He could not do. When the enemy tempted Jesus to turn the stones into bread, this was his answer “man shall not live by bread alone.....”
What do we need to live?
For a man to live peacefully and healthily, a lot of factors need to be taken into consideration. But there is a difference between Needs and Desires.
Man’s Needs – 1) Material or Physical Needs.
Man need basic needs such as food, water, clothing, shelter, a job, (although the Man is not satisfied with what he has, he needs certain basic things!!)......
2) Emotional Needs
Man likes to share. He needs a family, friends and benefactors...
3) Spiritual Needs
Man’s spirituality is natural (Rom 1: 19) and it is inbuilt (Proverbs 20: 27).
In addition to these needs, if a man were to enjoy these, he must be not only healthy but also need to be protected.
Man’s Problem
Although Man’s spiritual needs are to be met primarily or more than other needs, he does not see the need as to why they must be met. (Rom 1:18-21). In this regard, many wise men became fools (Rom 1:22; 1 Cor1: 18) by rejecting their inner urge to worship God. As opposed to the notion “man is a spiritual animal”, man has become a’ pragmatic animal’ to such an extent that he doesn’t see the need for God. What happens to all our possessions once we are gone forever (Luke 9:25)?
Solution: If we have God, we have everything. But if we deny God or do not see the need for our spirituality which can be given by God alone, we will have nothing and it is even worse (eternal punishment awaits).