Friday, December 12, 2008


As Christmas is fast approaching, shops are decorated, streets are busy with folk buying various things ranging from a needle to a brand new Ferrari. May be this year, this isn't the same story as markets haven been hit by the recession up and down the globe, though people do have insatiable desire to buy things. In fact, this is the season, when a lot of 'shopping' goes all around the world, one wonders if the credit cards become slimmer and thinner for their on-going swiping!!! Though the economists advise us not to over use the credit cards, people seem to have not bothered too much about it; who cares the endless flying white ribbon; though it is a result of an unnecessary purchase.

I think, it all begins with the problem of 'covetousness' and people are not content with what they have. One needs to draw a clear line between what he wants and needs. It is no wonder that folk do get muddled up for this very reason and the result is often pretty chaotic. It's kind of funny or should I say it is 'ironic' that I use this expression 'pretty chaotic'!!; though both the words are antithetical in nature; the 'English' language it self is such a thing; not that it is pretty chaotic but can be very confusing. May be, you need to borrow paradoxical elements to express one particular thing in an expressive manner. Anyway, 'Christmas' season is something when a lot of activity is anticipated. Some are good and some are bad. Often the 'spendthrifts' end up bankrupt at the end of the season which could have been avoided if enough care had been taken. One spends so much money on his fantasies and dreams because he thinks that money belongs to him. The thing is the money we have is not our own, but it belongs to God and it needs to be spent carefully in a God glorifying manner.

As my Friend said, 'Samuel, here in my country, 'Christmas' is without 'Christ'.'; which it is just a 'MAS'?? Is that true in your country too, is that true in your place too? Is that true with you too? Think and reflect. Perhaps, this is the best season to come back to Christ to celebrate real Christmas, as Saviour was born to save sinners..

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Practical steps to avoid sin by Ralph Venning

The following are the advices taken from 'Sinfulness of Sin' by Ralph Venning; a non-conformist, earned his MA from 'Cambridge University' and lived in the 17th century in England. These are the practical things we must have in our mind to protect us from
evil nature of sinfulness within(inside) and with out(out side).
1.Pray to God that past sins are forgiven and see to it that there may be no future sins

2.Obey the instruction of God in the Scripture (Psalm 119:11)

3. Begin each day with thoughts of God and of good things.

4. Act quickly to hate and rebuke wrong things.

5. Keep a strict control on what you watch with your eyes.

6. Keep yourself busy in doing good things.

7. Set your affections on Godly things and godly behaviour.

8. God has told us how we ought to talk to speak (Ephesians 4:29, 5:4)

9. Talking much about religion does not make us a Christian (James 1:26)

10. Sinful words are evidence of sinful hearts (Psalm 12:1-2)

11. Evil words corrupt other people (James 3:5-6)

12. Our words are either our glory or our shame (Proverbs 10:20)

13. Idle words will have to be accounted for (Matthew 12:36-37).

One must keep these things always in his mind to avoid the unnecessary take- over by 'sin' in our lives. One must also remember this is an 'on going battle' and we, beleivers in 'Christ' must master the art of battling against the enemy, sin and the world. Having fought the battle with in and with out; against the enemy, sin and the world, we ultimately depend on His Grace to survive spiritually and the 'victory' belongs to Him.