How the above said is connected with the subject 'change'? Well, the fact is there are not many people who would like to change their lives. They are pretty much happy with the way they are. In other words they haven't got bored with their lifestyles. The reason for this is 'sin'. And 'sin' is the most exciting and adventurous phenomena in the world. So to change ourselves by giving up 'sin' is going to be very tough and look very foolish from world's point of view. Though there aren't many who wish to be changed; there are a few; who are fed up with their sinful lives; who think they are exhausted; who think their lives are not worthy to be continued; who think they cannot get over their past; who think they have done irreparable damage to themselves and also to others....It is those people who will a see a pair of hands 'welcoming' them not to an earthly kingdom but to a heavenly one for it is Jesus who said 'come unto me, all ye heavy laiden, I will give thee rest' (Mat 11:28).
So are trying to to change yourself? I promise you cannot. Though you might argue with me by saying 'Impossible is nothing';but the reality remains the same as we remain unchanged. It is not superficial change we are talking about; it has got be a 'complete' change which includes all dimensions in human body and soul. It only happens when we come to Christ as we are and ask for 'forgiveness'.