Thursday, January 15, 2009

Welcome to Vinukonda- My Town !!!

What you see in the picture is a Cinema Theatre. We have as many as 6 cinema theatres even in a relatively small town like 'Vinukonda'. People are truly crazy about movies in here. They worship heroes as if they are gods!! They form different associations for different popular heroes as if they are forming charitable associations doing some charity!!?? and the clash between the fans is an obvious fight. Every time a new cinema of a popular hero is released; something hazardous is bound to happen.
Probably, you have heard they say 'India is a land of Snake Charmers', but it is now a land of 2C's; if one 'C' stands for 'Cricket'; the other is for 'Cinema'. Nobody knows when the 'Hindi Film Industry' started to earn its name as 'Bollywood'; a replica to 'Hollywood' in the West. The only difference between the 'Hollywood' and the 'Bollywood' is that there are no songs in the Hollywood movies where are there plenty in the 'Bollywood'. Even our Telugu Cinema industry is also called as 'Tollywood'. Again nobody knows who termed it? The most tragic part is that, though people are getting entertained; often the cinema does nothing but cashes in human weakness for sin and promiscuousness and encourages to break all God's commandments. Gone are the days when the people wanted to put across some social message out to the public; now is the time for 'Nonstop Entertainment'. The story line swings according to the mood of the public. Many a youngster head for 'Hyderabad' or 'Mumbai' with the hope of becoming heroes and heroins, leaving their family and friends behind. Instead of becoming heroes and heroins, they become maniacs and prostitues. Before they realise that life is far more precious than being a hero in cinema, they are on the verge of eternity. It is all started off with having great expectations of their own; to become popular in the tinsel town; to earn millons of rupees; a shortcut to success and fame. And the tragedy hits when they terminate their lives abruptly, having seen their dreams shattered and hopes broken into peices. How sad we are! if only people know the truth, they could have avoided all this.
Should Christians watch cinemas? It's a debate. Remember, our 'Conscience' is the Police Man who is inside kept by the Lord. He presses the panic button every time we trespass the Lord's commandment, but do we wake up the call? It is not just a matter related to 'Cinema' but everything that we do needs to be watched through the eyes of God. We must question ourselves if what we do is pure, moral, and acceptable to God? Can you thank the Lord, having watched it or done it? or is it to gratify your lusts? Please read 1 Cor 10: 14- 33 and Publish your comments; we shall discuss.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Welcome to Vinukonda- My Town!!

Before I talk about my town; I wish you all a very happy New Year as our happiness lies in the Lord than it is in the world or in us. I have been running around all these days doing some good as well as some bad. One of the bad things I did was that I haven’t been able to write anything on the blog for quite some time.
The monument which is in 'red' stands for what the communists fought for. It was resurrected in the name of those communists who died fighting for their cause. My town Vinukonda has got a quite a bit of communism attached to it since many years. Though my state ‘Andhra Pradesh’ has never been ruled by the Communists; there are a few in India like ‘West Bengal’ and ‘Kerala. It is noteworthy that the development in communist ruled states is very marginal; though ‘Kerala’ seemed have made quite a bit of progress.

Though I see this monument as I ride past it on my motorbike everyday; it doesn’t speak to me anything. May be I am deaf to what it says or it is just not something I am interested in. There were times when I seriously thought why communism dwindled all across the globe except in Cuba and China. The greatest downfall would be the fall of the USSR when it couldn’t go on any further with the rampant corruption amongst the top rank Officials and Military Generals. The motto might have been good. Whatever insists on ‘Equality’ is good. But have they stuck to it? Did they make sure that their good mottoes implemented to the fullest extent? May be 'No'. Hang on a minute!! Where on earth does ‘equality’ exist? No where. Not even ‘Democracy’ has dealt with the problem effectively. What is amusing in ‘democracy’ is that if all want something; you must give it to them by all means whether it is right or wrong. How then, do you differentiate it from the struggle for existence theory where only the strong can survive?

I believe ‘Communism’ has its roots in the Bible; though a hard- core ‘communist’ wouldn’t agree with what I say because he denies the very existence of God; I heard someone saying that Jesus was a revolutionist; may be it was true in a sense; but it is only a half truth. One cannot ignore the reasons why He became a revolutionist. The Bible has ample evidence of people sharing what they had n equal measures before the Apostles when they distributed the food equally between the haves and have-nots (Acts4:32-37). Think about how your neighbour feels when he laments in abject poverty, do you flaunt with your smugness showcasing all that you have? Probably, this has been the very reason all the revolts broke out all the across the Globe down through the centuries. Are you walking in humility as Christ did. May be it is ever more difficult in the wake of the new age 'materialism'. But the Word remains the same from generations to generations and we have to obey what it says. Let us be content with what we have and on one hand and share what we have on the other.