'Sin' is an inescapable fact which underlies within and without (outside) us; as I wrote in my previous post. By default we are sinners; it is there in the world and besides that the 'enticer' is on a prowl to do the hoodwink to snatch us away from God's fold. Before melancholy creeps in one's mind and heart that life is in this world is pointless, we are shown a way to repent and turn to Christ in faith.
What is this 'repentance' is all about? In original Greek, Repentance (metanoia) means change of mind about something or someone and hence change in attitude. Biblical meaning also involves sorrow and grief over sin (2 Cor 7:9,10); it is clearly seen in the parable of 'Prodigal Son' ( Luke 15: 11-21). And it also means to shun away from sinful life. In addition to that one must run for Christ in faith that He alone can save him from the bondage of sin as He paid the unpayable debt on the Cross. (Acts 3:19). We must make our ultimate goal in our lives to hate evil and sin. To compromise with sin is to invite disaster into one's life. It reminds me of a story; " there was a camel standing out in the desert right next its master's tent; the wind was blowing all the time; the camel started begging its master 'Master! could you please let my head in in your tent for it is very windy outside; the master lets its head in'; after a while; the master was outside the tent counting the sand whilst the camel was dozing off inside the tent." Beware of sinfulness mates, it can strike us ever more harder, if we are too welcoming to it.
Is it necessary to repent and can we still be forgiven without repentance? Is forgiveness necessary at all? I don't know how to respond to answer these questions for mind is blank; my heart aches and my mouth is dumb- stuck.