For the last three days, Mumbai; the financial capital of India bowed its head to the unprecedented and well co-ordinated attacks by the heavily drugged and misguided maniacs who opened fire in all directions indiscriminately. It is horrendous to know that their mission was to take 5000 lives and get away unscathed. The death toll already reached up to 183 and the injured were nearly more than 280. Remember, most of the injured will inevitably be near to death. And the nation has already lost a few good men; the unsung heroes of the country who fought against the enemy to redeem the hostages. In addition to incalculable human loss, the hallmark symbols of India's prestige, pride and progress; Hotel Taj and Trident were severely damaged.
When I visited Mumbai; along with my cousin in 2000; I was awe- struck looking at the elegant gigantic structure embellished incredibly; I, then, came to know it was the so called 'Taj' hotel. Though I live far away from Mumbai, I could imagine how a normal 'Mumbaiwallah' would have reacted to see this long -standing monument being burnt and bombarded by endless rain of bullets. Will it be ever like what once it was? Whether it will be like what was once it was or not, I do not know. But one thing can be taken for granted that 'Mumbai' has changed for good and it in turn has changed the course of nation.
The Common man lost his credibility in the government; which ever it is; as it fails to safeguard his safety time and again. He is terribly up set to see the politicians hurling coarse comments against each other; their indecency reached its peak. Though the common man is paying millions of rupees as Tax to the government, his 'safety' is the last thing that will be ever on a politician's mind. One wonders if the nation is a democracy or a politician's theocracy where he is god!?? Time has come to answer the so called unanswerable. Whether we are politicians or just common men, we need to examine ourselves if we are true to our nation in all that we do. As long as we encourage selfish motives of our own and corruption, we will never find 'India' to be a safer place. Before we fight out the enemy outside, one needs to fight the enemy 'within'. Everybody knows who the real culprit is. It may be the dirty politician, or it may be 'me' or it may be 'you'. Unless one gives up his selfish motives to serve the country, we cannot aspire to see our nation progressing for we do not want to have an imbalanced growth; the unbridgeable gap between the urban and the rural. We might resurrect another 'Taj', but we can never restore human life once it is lost. So, let us start working within; cleaning up the garbage to build a better country; where life is more precious; not only the 'life' but the 'soul' too for it is better to be devastated in life than to be in eternity .
Let me end this post with this verse " Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For God is a consuming fire (Heb 12:28, 29)"
Let me end this post with this verse " Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For God is a consuming fire (Heb 12:28, 29)"