To day is the day when Christians all around the globe celebrate the Lord's arrival into the world. Probably, to day is the day which has given license for all kinds of immoral activities to be taken place all around the world too. Probably there is more booze and unending partying on Christmas day than ever!! What a sad reality it is. Again my good old friend 'Donald' says "Christmas is without Christ" here. This is the exact reason why the 'Reformers' rejected the idea of celebrating Christmas. However, we do not deny the glorious entry of the Lord into this world; of course not as an emperor; but as a meek, humbled human being to redeem us from sin. There is no point to celebrate Christmas if we do not know the purpose behind it. We do not just have to make up the Lord's birth as an occasion to unwind all our worldliness. One must understand the purpose behind the Lord's coming, the Lord's crucifixion and the Lord's ascension into Heaven. So it is not only Merry Christmas but Good Friday as well as Easter. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and I thank you all for watching this blog and I sincerely hope that I'm not wasting your time. HAPPY CHRISTMAS BUDDIES!!!