Perhaps, I am reading too much into what I see just to accompany what I write. But I can't help it really! Any way, has it ever occured to you that you cannot count your hair? The more one cuts it off, the more it grows, unless you are bald headed !!!! As strange as it may seem to be, even human body carries imprints of 'eternity', if only one cares to think about it. Not only is the 'creation' it self a pointer to 'eternity' but also your body with its intricacy of design and incalcuble nature of cells. The more one digs deep into the archives of knwoledge, the more Godly we should be। But the end result is quite the opposite. By the way, what is eternity has in store for you? Eternity can be endless bliss or it can be endless trauma. When it is going to be 'endlessness' we are concerned about, why, then, should we not try every effort to make it a blissful experience? Will we be rather foolish to spoil our blissful eternity with God just because we are unwilling or unready to give up our selfish ideas. Only God alone is big enough to explain about the enormity of the unlimited nature of eternity. This is going to be my last post on eternity as I feel that I am so limited to write about the unlimited.
Great God of Wonders 4
1 day ago