Saturday, October 25, 2008


Perhaps, I am reading too much into what I see just to accompany what I write. But I can't help it really! Any way, has it ever occured to you that you cannot count your hair? The more one cuts it off, the more it grows, unless you are bald headed !!!! As strange as it may seem to be, even human body carries imprints of 'eternity', if only one cares to think about it. Not only is the 'creation' it self a pointer to 'eternity' but also your body with its intricacy of design and incalcuble nature of cells. The more one digs deep into the archives of knwoledge, the more Godly we should be। But the end result is quite the opposite. By the way, what is eternity has in store for you? Eternity can be endless bliss or it can be endless trauma. When it is going to be 'endlessness' we are concerned about, why, then, should we not try every effort to make it a blissful experience? Will we be rather foolish to spoil our blissful eternity with God just because we are unwilling or unready to give up our selfish ideas. Only God alone is big enough to explain about the enormity of the unlimited nature of eternity. This is going to be my last post on eternity as I feel that I am so limited to write about the unlimited.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I cannot resist to tell you about my childhood memories, as a child, it would be always exciting to travel on train, though it is still exciting, but there is something charming about childlike attitude. To get a window seat was like saying 'yeah!!', though the opportunity was scarce. When you do get a chance, as rarely as it was, you would look out and would be lost into oblivion. Though you cannot get to see the track on which your train is running, when you do get off it, and see the train get you past, and once it becomes a tiny dot, your eyes turn on to the 'track'. You turn to ask your dad 'daddy! where does this track end up at?', your dad says ' at the station', immediate question hurls at him, 'where is the station?', before your dad gets angry, you tend to swallow the 'unanswerable'. You have grown up now, jumped into the world, accomplished so much materially, but have you sought after the answer seriously as you did? Where does the track end up at? We better be children, seeking for serious answers rather than being grown ups chasing after foolish things. Where does the track lead to? These parallel lines going on and on, where will they end up at? At the station, at the Kingdom, at God. You and I created to enjoy better things, to enjoy 'eternity'. Are you prepared for it? be continued.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Paddy fields…endless green grass sticking out to be cut off, thankfully it is very much unlike the humans. Even in November, folks work hard in the fields, they look above to see the fields turn muddy when the soil becomes more conducive to cultivate. Folks look above to be drenched in rain and they are merry men when clouds unfold to sprinkle rain on earth and they thank the clouds or at best they thank the sky. Why can't they look beyond the sky to see if anyone is there to thank him. Oh! one cannot see with physical eyes the invisible, you may say, it is a fact or is it? I cannot show the one beyond the sky in physical terms, but if only one has the eyes of faith, God can be seen. Nature points out to God, but one needs to have the 'Eyes of Faith' to see Him. Do you have it? Coming back to point, it is endlessness I am concerned about, I am amazed to witness how 'eternity' can be seen, of course, with the eyes of faith, just around me, above me, beside me and beneath me. Thank you Lord.


Somebody commented that I should add more pictures to my blog and I said I will do. This afternoon I went out in search of quality pictures that will be meaningful to what I have been writing . I found these endless 'stones' laid on both sides of the railway track, never did I try to count them as they were innumenrable. For a few moments, I became an 'observer', trying to focus on 'nature' if it was telling something to me or pointing to something bigger than what it is. I looked around, and I found these stones, though they were stones, I found them fascinating. Stones...endless stoness, it is endlessness I am concerend about.I shall be in search to see 'eternity' in the world just around me.

Monday, October 20, 2008


What do stars speak to you? Why the particles of sand are countless? Have you ever counted the blades of grass in a cricket ground? As a child, I used to be thrilled by looking at the enormity of the endless sea and wondered if there was any land on the other side? My little mind couldn't capture the truth that there was in deed a land on the other side for I could only see blue water even in the horizon. What do these common things speak to you? For me they speak about 'Eternity'. Though I am not a Philosopher; not a scientist; not even an intellectual; I am an ordinary person saved by the 'Grace of God'. And I believe man is here on earth to observe what he sees to look beyond what he cannot. And man's life in this world is more than what he sees, touches, and feels and therefore he cannot stuck to the so called room of 'what he sees, touches and feels'. He needs to look up to God for He alone can take him to that unseen land beyond that ocean, beyond the sky, and even beyond your life, Trust in Christ for He shall give you the gift of 'Eternal Life'. To be continued......