Somebody commented that I should add more pictures to my blog and I said I will do. This afternoon I went out in search of quality pictures that will be meaningful to what I have been writing . I found these endless 'stones' laid on both sides of the railway track, never did I try to count them as they were innumenrable. For a few moments, I became an 'observer', trying to focus on 'nature' if it was telling something to me or pointing to something bigger than what it is. I looked around, and I found these stones, though they were stones, I found them fascinating. Stones...endless stoness, it is endlessness I am concerend about.I shall be in search to see 'eternity' in the world just around me.
praise the lord
i know how differrnt each stone must be.....being different is good than being countless.....can we do something to count us upon....every one knows those stones were from a soure which was broken to do a eternity like being one again....keeps me thinking.....good one.
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