Running is one of the best exercises 'Doctors' advice to keep folk to be fit. Nowadays, people are completely taken over by 'fitness mania'; which is good in a sense, but people do it just to prolong their lives not that they can have eternal bliss, which is a shame really!! The problem is, being physically healthy doesn't mean that one is spiritually the same. Too much running can damage your knees as well, they say. By all means, one needs to be fit but that is not the end.
As I was reading Psalm 139, the King David pointed me to God with a deep sense of urgency that no one can get away from His presence. Where can we possibly hide ourselves from God's presence? He is omnipresent. You go into the skies; may be to the utter most part of the universe; even there you cannot ignore His presence; you take a deep plunge into the sea; even there you cannot help but praise God down below the sea. If you have wings, as it were, to fly to the further most part of the world, even there you cannot get away from God. At last, David acknowledges that he cannot flee from His presence (Psalm 139:7). God looks at us, He looks at our hearts, our intentions (good & bad), He knows our life history. He even even knows us even before we were formed in our mother's womb which means even before our parents met, Ah! this is staggering, how can God know even before I was a tiny speck in my mother's womb? How foolish, then, it is run away from Him when we can actually meet up with Him? Are you not tired that you've been keep hiding yourself and your sins from God?
My advice to you is that you better don't run away from God; but face up with the reality instead of ignoring it as if it doesn't exist. And the reality is that we are sinners; 'sin' is dangerous; unless we kill 'sin', sin kills us. Now run and run and run; you may say to me 'this guy is crazy, having said not to run, why is he now telling that one should run? this is rubbish..' But my friend, I am telling you to run to 'Christ' for 'forgiveness' for He says 'Come unto me ye heavy laiden, I will give you rest', the eternal bliss..... in Him. So, Are you running?
Running...........hasty.........i disagree....there is freedom to do things for us.....i dont think we have to run....we just have to do what is right and if you feel to do it why not now....we cant tell anyone to run...we can warn them even....we can just tell then......dont you feel you should do some good now...you will feel better....make better choices..for enternal good.......
i think god gave us a choice always...to sin or to do good...he likes giving us freedom...we are free to love him or hate him.........what do yo we do now......he is near you.....run...walk...because you cant be still..........look were you are moveing....to him or away from him...
I think you are unable to come out of your already preplanned mental frame work of doing good and bad and making choices..what you say is not always relavant buddy!!you can't inject this into all topics written in the blog.
everyone knows SIN is serious...but someone won it for us..so not serious anymore.
this article is about running away from God; not about sin buddy!just relax and think before you comment!!
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