Monday, March 21, 2011

Why people die?

Hebrews 9:27.
“And as it is appointed unto men to die, but after this judgement.”
Have you ever thought about why people die? Every time I attend a funeral service, I am hit by this inescapable truth that I too will be in that box one day. On one hand, thoughts like what will happen to ‘ME’, once I depart can be heavy at times.  On the other hand, thoughts like how glad I will be when I see the face of my maker encourage me to keep me going. Will I be able to hear, speak, and feel in the same way as I do when I am alive? Although human mind cannot comprehend things beyond tangible facts, but the Bible challenges them head on. In fact the Bible is almost a book of impossibilities for a sceptic or for an anti-Christian. Nevertheless, somewhere down the line, one needs undergo a through self- examination just to check if his claims are true in the light of opposite facts before ruling out the Bible as a tale told by some scribes!!
People die every day. According to statistics, about 150000 people are dying every day, almost 6250 every hour. And almost above 100 people are dying every second.
People die due to various reasons (age factor, sickness, stress, financial breakdown, Academic failure, Relational Failure...) Just like ‘time’, nobody seem to stopping us from dying. Here in this world, not only people are dying, but also animals, birds, insects..The Bible says the whole creation groans (laments, cries, moans) in pain (Rom 8:22). So it is not just about Man but also his surroundings.   
Death causes pain, and the possibility of not seeing that particular person physically causes more pain. (But if we put our trust in God, we will see each other in heaven.)     
The Bible says people die due to sin. (Rom 6:23). ‘Sin’?? Is that it? What is it? What it is it that is causing people to die?
How sin entered into this world?
1)      We were created in the image and likeness of God to worship and to enjoy His company. ( Gen 3:8 a, Gen 1:27, Psalm 14:4)
2)      But God commanded not to do something (that is not to eat the fruit of life). But Adam and Eve ate it. But Adam and Eve by listening to Serpent’s advice, they did exactly the opposite to what God ordered.
3)      ‘Doing exactly opposite or not responding to what God says is ‘sin’. Now, before this question ‘why God allowed this to happen or why God did that or why God did this’ comes to our mind, we need to accept the reality. And ‘Sin’ is real, when ‘sin’ is real what God had told in His book (The Bible) is also real. If you think it is a myth, what is the explanation do you give about your sinful life? Yes, we are all sinners due to the first sin committed by Adam and Eve (Rom 5:12). And this nature has been passed onto us since the beginning. That is why there is no one without sin (Rom 3:23).

What happens when we die in our sins unforgiven, unpardoned. Because there is a ‘Judgement’ awaits right after our death. Those who trust in Christ in this world will not be condemned (Rom 8:1). But ‘eternal punishment’ waits for those who reject Christ (Luke 12:9, John 12:48, Heb 12:25). 

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